Mario Bros. was the Most Popular 80s Video Games

While there were many popular 80s video games that changed the industry forever, none were quite as popular as Super Mario Bros. The early 1980s was a remarkable time filled

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While there were many popular 80s video games that changed the industry forever, none were quite as popular as Super Mario Bros.

The early 1980s was a remarkable time filled with technological advancements and cultural shifts. One of the biggest shifts of the early 80s was in the video game industry. The decade started off with the Atari 2600 followed by the Atari 5200. But, in 1983 the videogame industry crashed, just as one of the most popular 80s video games was released. Nevertheless, with the help of Super Mario Bros., the Nintendo Entertainment System was able to reinvigorate the industry.

How Mario Bros. Saved the 80s Video Games Industry

Video games were a dominant form of entertainment in the 80s. The decade started off with most of the games being played in the local arcade. Atari helped to bring video games into the home when they released the 2600. And, by the middle part of 1983, the video game industry crashed. This was a result of too many low-quality games being released in an already oversaturated market. But, Mario Bros. changed all of that in 1983 when it was bundled with the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Nintendo’s seal of quality helped to reinvigorate the videogame industry, by ensuring that all of the games available for its system were of high-quality design. By releasing their game system bundled with Mario Bros., Nintendo gave gamers a reason to trust 80s game systems once again. Who would have thought that a simple game could save the 80s video games industry and grow to be one of the most popular games of all time?

Mario Bros. was the Most Popular 80s Video Games

Mario Bros. and the Rise of 80s Video Game Consoles

If it weren’t for the Nintendo Entertainment System and Mario Bros., the gaming industry would probably not look the way it does now.

The Rise of 80’s Video Game Systems

Perhaps one of the biggest innovations that helped to usher in the popularity of Mario Bros., was the platform-style gameplay. In every single game that had been released prior to the Nintendo Entertainment System, the goal was to obtain the highest score possible or to simply outlast any of your opponents. But Mario Bros. focused on the exploration of the map and a progression through the levels. This platform-style gameplay was unique.

Mario Bros. was a 2-player game, where player one played Mario himself, while player 2 played his brother Luigi. The two would then need to navigate through a series of increasingly difficult stages. Each time defeating more enemies, and collecting more coins. This focus on character movement, skill, and coordination across the levels, completely revolutionized the gaming experience. It changed everything from being a simple arcade action tomorrow they narrative-style gameplay.

The overwhelming success of Mario Bros. in the 80s video games industry paved the way for future games to develop all new mechanics. This includes power-ups, cooperative pay, and more interactive and immersive environments. Future platform-style games like Donkey Kong and Sonic the Hedgehog were also developed on a very similar structure of platform-based gameplay.

The Nintendo Entertainment System And 80s Video Games

It’s important to remember that Mario Bros. actually started as an arcade game. It was only after its success that Nintendo bundled it with their Entertainment System which was released in 1985. The bundling of the game and the game console marked a pivotal moment and video gaming history. It helped to drive the widespread adoption of home gaming consoles. And, Mario Bros. helped Nintendo to overcome the skepticism that was left behind after the video game crash. Together, they were able to demonstrate the high-quality, story-driven games could thrive in home entertainment.

Naturally, the rest is history. The home gaming console market exploded. Families were able to enjoy high-quality arcade gaming right in their own living room. The controller was very simple to use, and the gameplay of Mario Bros. was very addictive. Nintendo simply made video games accessible to a wider audience, including children and adults. If it weren’t for the NES and Mario Bros., we wouldn’t have systems like PlayStation, Xbox, or even the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo Entertainment System

A Pop Culture Icon

One of the most unique things about Mario was that he became more than just another videogame character. Mario and his brother Luigi became a global pop culture icon. Today, his red And blue overalls are instantaneously recognizable around the globe. Moreover, the brothers transcended gaming culture and began to appear in cartoons, on cereal boxes, and even in their own merchandise. There was a universal appeal for Mario and Luigi, and they helped to bring video games into the mainstream.

The Visionaries Behind Mario Bros. and the 80s Video Games Industry

Without question, the most important people responsible for the existence of Mario Bros. was the game’s designer, and developer. Mario Bros. was designed by Shigeru Miyamoto. He had a creative knack for storytelling, which helped to develop the iconic Mario character. He created a colorful and immersive world that changed the trajectory of the video gaming industry forever. With the help of Takashi Tezuka, the two were able to create a visually engaging game that featured fluid movements and was fun to play. They crafted a masterpiece that has remained relevant for more than 4 decades.

The Cultural Impact of the Mario Bros.

The cultural impact of Mario Bros. in the 80s can never be overstated. The game brought families closer together at a time when families were starting to drift further apart. The NES made video gaming more accessible to people of all ages and allowed kids to play against their parents, classmates, friends, or anyone else who just wanted to have fun. And that’s what it was all about, Mario became the ultimate symbol of fun, adventure, and creativity.

The legacy of Super Mario Bros. continues to influence modern-day gaming. In fact, many of today’s top franchises would never have existed if it weren’t for the inspiration that they drew from the original Mario Bros. platform. This includes games like Crash Bandicoot, The Legend of Zelda, and Sonic the Hedgehog. And, the Mario franchise has continued to evolve over the decades, with countless new titles being released almost yearly.

The Cultural Impact of the Mario Bros.


Ultimately, Mario Bros. stands out as a defining symbol of 80s video games. The game represents innovation, entertainment, and the culture of one of the nation’s most transformative periods. Its impact on the videogame industry is undeniable, as it paved the way for future home game consoles like the Sega Genesis, PlayStation, and Xbox. If it weren’t for Mario Bros., would home gaming systems be as popular as they are today?

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