Written By Humans!
In the battle against the rise of AI, we stand strong.
Every word you read here was crafted by real, human hands—no machines, no algorithms. Our mission is clear: to keep the 80s spirit alive with an authenticity that only humans can deliver. This content isn’t just data; it’s personal. The future is in our hands, and we’re fighting to keep it that way.
The Risks of Using AI Content
While artificial intelligence provides us with a lot of amazing benefits, using it to generate content is not without risk. Tp avoid these risks, all of our content is written by humans beings who actually lived through the 80s.

Although we use the term “artificial intelligence” to describe this technology, what we have found, is that AI is much better at providing misinformation, then it is at providing accurate details or information.
A lot of this has to do with the AI Alignment Problem that was created by trying to align these tools with human intentions, values, and goals. The result was a system that tries to provide you with responses based on what it thinks you want, rather than what you need.
Here at The 80s Today, our goal is to provide you with the most accurate and reliable information about the decade that defined our generation, based on personal, real-life experiences.
Low-Quality Content
Content that is created by AI lacks the level of quality and creativity that we, as humans, have come to expect from reputable online sources. While the output is grammatically correct, it does not read well, and feels too… artificial.
Rather than using artificial intelligence to spur creativity and help us overcome writer’s block, too many web masters are using the tool to create all of their content, as quickly as possible, on order to make a quick buck.
We believe in the importance of quality over quantity, which is why we do all of our own writing, instead of relying on AI to do it for us.

SEO Issues
Artificially generated content feels robotic and lacks any real voice. As humans, each of are unique, the way we speak, and the way we write, is our voice. It won’t always be grammatically correct, but its conversational, and easier to understand.
For decades, search engines like Google have always sought to provide their users with relevant, quality information that they can rely on. But, there will always be that small group of webmasters who only care about the money they can generate by increasing monthly visitors.
Eventually, the search engines will penalize sites that use too much AI-generated content, so they can continue to provide quality search results.
Copyright Infringement
While many users simply assume that the content generated by AI systems is unique, in many cases it is not.
The tools themselves are trained using specific data sources, commonly called data lakes, like newspapers, magazines, and the like. This information is stored in the system’s database, and much like a glorified search engine, AI systems output responses that include snippets of information, exactly as it was stored in that database.
In order to prevent the possibility of infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others, we will continue to create all of our own content, based on real-life, personal experiences from the 80s.

Content Creators
We have spent years, nay, decades creating quality content online for other webmasters, but in recent years, have found it more difficult, if not nearly impossible to pick up work creating content.
AI has been slowly taking over the content creation industry. There are already thousands of books available on Amazon that were written almost entirely by AI systems. But, we believe that while AI can help writers to write better, it cannot replace content creators entirely.
We believe that human-generated content is simply better, and we support content creators and their creativity here at The 80s Today. Let us continue to support hand written content for the generations to come.
Written By A Human Being
All of our content is written by hand, by an actual human being. While we may use artificial intelligence to help our creativity at various stages along the way, human-generated content is the only type of content that is placed on The 80s Today.